Contact Us

Here's how to get in touch with us. Please be sure to read our Privacy Policy before you write, and, for the fastest action, please send your correspondence to the most suitable address.
...For general questions, suggestions, or comments about our site, or to report an
server error or broken link, write us at:
...To donate an article that you'd like us to consider for the Library,
or to submit your performance-night "baseline" report cards after each episode, or to report a
typographical or factual error in our content, write us at:
...For business requests, such as advertising on our site or acquiring
commercial republication rights to our database, write us at :
...For questions about our
Terms Of Use or
Privacy Policy,
write us at:
- ...For angry tirades about the approval rating of any performance, contestant, episode, etc., please read our About The Ratings article first. If, after understanding how the ratings were statistically arrived at, and particularly that they're not our personal opinions!, you still feel the need to lodge a complaint, do the following: Write your opinion in triplicate on 3x5 index cards, using a primary color crayon, then deliver them by hand to our Complaints Department, located on the western edge of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Ask any penguin for directions.
We're particularly interested in hearing from Idol contestants, past and present! Tell us about your experiences on the show, particularly regarding why you chose a particular song and what's the backstage process for how songs are selected, cleared, and arranged. Your insights will help we Idol fans better understand the dynamics and limitations that the contestants work under. (Of course, if you ask us to keep your identity confidential, we'll gladly do so.)
-- The staff of